Smart World Events stopping by in Malmö and Nice

Navispace’ Smart World Events promote innovative technologies in the areas of wearable technologies, machine-to-machine (m2m), and cloud computing – and Navispace’ innovation competitions WT Innovation World Cup, M2M Challenge, and the soon to come Cloud Innovation World Cup. The smart technology events provide attendants with the chance to gain valuable insights into these sectors from representatives of innovative and leading companies, and meet future technology partners.

June featured two Smart World Events, in Malmö, Sweden, June 13th, and in Nice, France, June 18th with representatives from companies like Texas Instruments, Ericsson, Telit, VARTA Microbattery, and EuroCloud. Topics ranged from incubators and innovative start-ups, Bluetooth Low Energy, new applications, M2M innovations, networked society, connected devices, network innovations, to cloud computing.

The Malmö event took place on the top floor of the Turning Torso, the highest building in Scandinavia. High-level decision makers from Sony and other companies were attending and presenting. Amongst many, very interesting presentations, Minc/Incubator presented one of the most exciting wearable technologies, supported by Minc: Hövding, the airbag for your head – the new helmet for cyclists. The video says it all:

The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.

In Nice, the event was hold during the Innovative City Convention. Two highlights, but certainly not the only ones, of this session, were the two finalists of last year’s WT Innovation World Cup QGate and Sensaris. Together with an adapter plug, the QGate App connects living spaces and its electrical devices to the internet and monitors them. Users are then able to control their electrical devices with their smartphones, no matter where they are. Sensaris Senspod provides real time access to data on mobile phones, can share pervasive information using social networks. Both, TI and Ericsson anticipate up to 50 billion connected devices in the near future, and talked about connected devices and the role they will be playing.

The next Smart World Session will be at the Wearable Technologies Conference in San Francisco, where M2M, cloud computing, and wearable technologies will be discussed. For more information or to register for one of the Smart World Events, click here.



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