WTshow @ Medica 2013

For the fourth time in a row the WTshow will be at MEDICA – with more exciting exhibitors than ever before. The grey area between health and fitness is one of the most important market segments for wearables and this is probably the reason why the most promising start ups in 2013 target this market, says Christian Stammel, CEO and founder of Wearable Technologies AG.

Rehabilitation is a major topic this year at the Wearable Technologies booth with exhibitors like CoRehab. The Italian company created Riablo (www.corehab.it/) a fun rehabilitation software, based on games. Those undergoing orthopedic rehabilitation, can do so by playing a fun video game. It helps the patients to focus on their movements and take their mind of the pain. With more than 50 games, Riablo offers a wide variety of exercises. The web app makes sure the patient does the exercises he needs at home – the physiotherapist can assign an exercise and adjust angle, time, and number if necessary over the web. One of the biggest benefits is the control of precise motion, and checks, run by Riablo, ensure patients can avoid compensations and mistakes.

Gloreha by Idrogenet focuses more on patients with hand deficiencies. Gloreha allows effective an intensive, early, stimulant and flexible neuromotor treatments. The patient can follow the exercise through 3D animations on the screen, wearing a light and comfortable glove that mobilizes the joints. Gloreha connects the movements with video and audio effects to stimulate the neurocognitive recovery. Gloreha is available for hospitals and rehab centers as well as for patients at home. The lite version has fewer features and is intended for a patient to continue his therapy at home.

The third exhibitor at the WTshow creating rehabilitation technologies is TMG-BM (www.tmg-bodyevolution.com), a biomechanics and kinesiology company based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. TMG developed several solutions for training optimization, injury prevention, diagnostics, check-up and monitoring, and more – in collaboration with Merlene Ottey, the nine times track and field Olympic medalist. Developing unique products and techniques, TMG’s cutting-edge fitness and rehabilitation solutions for sports, medical, research and work related applications have been adopted by many elite European soccer clubs, like F.C. Barcelona.

Speaking of major league soccer: Real Madrid’s former physician Dr Luis Serratosa, will also be at the MEDICA this year – delivering a speech at the MEDICA MEDICNE + SPORTS MEDICINE CONFERENCE he will give insights in new methods and approaches to training the right way. The full day conference on November 21, 2013 will be hosted at the Congress Center South of Messe Düsseldorf.

Other exhibitors at the Wearable Technologies booth include BodyTel (www.bodytel.com), WINMedical (www.winmedical.com), Biovotion (www.biovotion.ch), AiQ (www.aiqsmartclothing.com), Alpha-Fit (www.alpha-fit.de/en), 9Solutions (www.9solutions.com), 4DForce (http://4dforce.com), LAIRD Technologies (www.lairdtech.com/wireless), EXEL (www.exelmicroel.com), VARTA Microbattery (www.varta-microbattery.com/en), Imec (www.imec.be), Evena Medical (www.evenamed.com), MaxCom (www.maxcom.pl), and Withings (www.whithings.com).

For more information please visit www.wearable-technologies.com/events/medica-2013

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