Simon Vicari, Founder and CEO of Aroma Technology came up with the idea of putting 10 sensors in the world’s first smallest wearable device. Check out below what he thinks about fashion and wearables below:
1. What is the most important thing you learned while being involved in the topic of wearable technologies?
- The need of multiple sensors in a single device seamlessly connected either simultaneously or at users choice combinations is fundamental to give to consumers a more complete understanding of the environment (both body and ambient)
- If the Smartphone is used as display or personal data collection without making them available in a Cloud Grid Infrastructure and accessible by everybody that can download the free APP, the benefit of the sensors’ data will be limited to the single user. Therefore no contribution to Internet of things ( IOT ) thus lacking cross-fertilization benefits coming from the social network.
- The WT products must contribute primarily to healthy wellbeing, personal safety and quality of the environment because healthy population are the backbone of a sustainable econom
2. How can your company help bringing the world of fashion and the world of technology closer together?
The integration of easy to use and non invasive advanced technology “dressed” in a stylish fashionable design is essential, there must be a symbiosis of these values that rarely reside in the same core business. Cooperation between advanced technology companies and fashion design companies are key ingredient for the WT product’ s success
3. What is your favorite wearable product/device (besides your own) of 2015?
There is no available product that is my favorite today because lacking the characteristics highlighted in the previous questions 1&2, there are however, interesting product concepts in development that should be available late this year and 2016.
Meet Simon at the fashion edition of the WT | Wearable Technologies Conference coming up in Milan on April 29. Also stay tuned for Aroma Technology’s crowdfunding campaign which will be launched later this month!