Wearables, especially with integrated artificial intelligence, is changing the lives of many. Majority of Americans believe technology is vital for managing their health, according to a survey by Accenture. When it comes to yoga, wearable technology is making it easier for the novice to practice this discipline. There are several companies that offer wearables such as, smart clothes, headbands and even smartwatches to make yoga more enjoyable and easier. Here are some of them:
Nadi X Teaches You the Right Poses for Your Yoga
Nadi X, made by Wearable X, is the first-ever smart yoga pants with washable technology that inspires confidence in yoga, from beginners to gurus. The pants use “haptics,” or touch sensations that allow users to interact with technology, to gently alert you to adjust. Its woven-in technology with sensors around the hips, knees, and ankles guide your flow with gentle vibrations for easier yoga. When paired with the Nadi X mobile app, visual and audio cues breakdown yoga poses step-by-step with corresponding vibrations directly from the pants.
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Ark Crystals Pendants Boost Your Body’s Natural Ability to Attune
Whether for yoga, personal meditations, or in a group sound bath, the ARK crystal technology boosts the body’s natural ability to attune to the zero-point field of the quantum the vacuum the energetic web of coherence, connecting us all – a union between the ARK bearer and the structure of spacetime. Results of a pilot study showed that wearing the ARK crystal, also known as PGQMEM (Precision Geometric Quartz modulated electromagnetically) for 21 days significantly increases performance in every test conducted for strength, balance, and endurance. Furthermore, the active crystal produced improved changes in all tests compared to placebo controls, indicating the ability of the PGQMEM crystal to increase human athletic performance.

SmartMat Yoga Mat Guides You On Your Yoga Just Like in a Yoga Class
SmartMat Yoga Mat is a high-tech app that guides on Yoga just as it is done in a Yoga class. In fact, it is the most appropriate app to practice yoga with even when at home. When calibrated, the mat could help you learn your body shape and size. It is able to focus on correcting alignment, balance and achieving perfect pose.
Foci Wearables Track Your Breath to Analyze Your Mental State
Foci, a wearable device when clipped to your waist, tracks each breath you take, and then utilizes motion sensors and machine learning to analyze what your breathing patterns say about your mental state. On a corresponding mobile app, colored bubbles indicate whether you’re distracted, focused, stressed, or in a state of peak performance, and then a set of tools help you train to stay focused longer.
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Muse Measures Your Brains Activity Using EEG Sensor
Muse is a wearable brain sensing headband that measures your brains activity using EEG (Electroencephalography) sensor. The corresponding app converts the EEG signals into audio feedback to the wearer through the built-in headphones. You can reach a deep guided relaxation state while the headband plays different sounds to you while you meditate. The wearable is designed to be worn across the forehead and a connected smartphone app provides meditation data. The smart headband is a biofeedback device, which means it captures the human body’s reaction and translates it into a visual stimuli we can easily understand.