Many types of arrhythmias can be hard to diagnose. Atrial arrhythmias, in particular, are very difficult to diagnose due to the difficulty in clearly visualizing the P wave on an ECG. Now, Bardy X Diagnostics has come up with an easier solution for detecting these types of arrhythmias. The company’s Carnation Ambulatory Monitor (CAM) is a lightweight, bandage-size cardiac patch monitor engineered to capture low amplitude, low frequency electrical signals that form the P-wave. The P wave is the first positive deflection on the ECG and represents atrial depolarization. The CAM patch is designed to be accurate, promote patient compliance, streamline clinical workflow, and yield clinically actionable data.
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“Cardiac monitoring is already done routinely in patient care and, as a result, there is already established reimbursement for this type of diagnostics. The CAM Patch is covered by a majority of commercial payors, with the exception of Medicaid, which only covers the 48-Hour CAM Patch,” Ken Nelson, Chief Commercial Officer at Bardy Diagnostics, told Cici Zhou in an interview with MedGadget.

Lorene Faye Bardy, the wife of founder Gust H. Bardy, M.D., had a rare heart rhythm disorder that lasted for about 27 years. She was seen by famous electrophysiologists, but they were unable to record and visualize her P wave. As a result, the doctors couldn’t pinpoint what type of specific arrhythmia she had, reports MedGadget. Lorene passed away at the age of 52, and one year later, in 2013, Bardy Diagnostics was founded in order to overcome common challenges in ambulatory cardiac monitoring.
The CAM is designed to be placed along the sternum–over the heart–to optimize P-wave signal capture. Therefore, it delivers improved ECG resolution, providing more information about the heart rhythm which may lead to more clinically actionable diagnoses.
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CAM is supported by BDxCONNECT, a versatile patient management portal that adapts to meet the unique needs of your practice or institution. Upload patient data to the cloud and perform your own scanning and analysis using a secure, web-based ECG analysis module or rely on our expert ECG technicians to deliver reports.