In the modern world, life is hectic. Every day we wake up and get busy doing everything that needs to get done except for one of the most important activities – sleep. Up to 30% of people in developed countries now suffer from chronic insomnia. Sleep occupies approximately one-third of our lives and is fundamental to our physical well-being, good mental and emotional health.
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Deep and uninterrupted sleep can be achieved with the help of a little science. In fact, understanding your sleep cycle can help you to achieve a good quality sleep.
When it comes to sleep quality, it is important to start with the processes involved in sleep. The normal sleep process consists of two distinct periods: “Rapid Eye Movement” (REM) and “Non-Rapid Eye Movement” (NREM). The non-REM sleep period is itself divided up into three stages, known as N1, N2, and N3. The first and second stages of non-REM sleep are considered “light sleep”, while stage three is known as “deep sleep”. REM sleep is often referred to as “dreaming sleep”, as it is during this phase that we tend to experience dreams, reports Huawei.
Each of these phases (light sleep, deep sleep, and dreaming sleep) has a different role to play, all of which are indispensable. We may all want to better understand our own sleep process, but the best way to get reliable information about it is with the power of technology.
Using a sleep monitoring device can help you to obtain information about your sleep process. For instance, Huawei’s smart wearables can monitor your sleep using the company’s self-developed and industry-leading infrared technology.
HUAWEI TruSleep ™2.0 monitoring can accurately detect all types of sleep stages and help you distinguish between them. It also tracks your heart rate and breathing in real-time during the night, without disturbing your sleep. The HUAWEI TruSleep™2.0 automatically monitors the whole sleeping duration including when the user falls asleep and wakes up, light sleep proportion, deep sleep proportion, and rapid eye movement (REM). This can help the user accurately identify six typical sleep issues such as insomnia, shallow sleep, night-time awakenings, early morning awakenings, excessive dreams, and irregular sleep patterns. When awake, the user can review their sleeping patterns on Huawei smart wearables. The built-in tips for sleep quality improvement and personalized advice also guarantee users with practical solutions to achieve better sleep quality.

To get better sleep, many of us adhere to several “pre-bedtime routines” to ease our mind and body. However, these routines may drive negative impacts instead of promoting better sleep. Take working out before bedtime as an example. A strenuous workout for a good sweat may sound great – but without proper stretching, we may find it more difficult to fall asleep due to the prolonged sympathetic-nerve activity. In the long run, this may lead to a vicious cycle of insomnia – as you’ll get more anxious when you can’t pass out once your head hits the pillow.
A more preferable approach is to take a warm bath before going to bed. Research suggested that the smaller the difference between the skin temperature and core temperature at night, the easier an individual can fall asleep fast. Therefore, either a hot shower or warm foot bath can be regarded as a favorable pre-bedtime routine. You can also get the extra sleep you crave by creating an ideal sleep environment – dim ambient lighting at night to further relax your mind.
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Well, of course, the effectiveness of the aforementioned pre-bedtime routines varies from one individual to another – after all, those methods are rather subjective considering the variables involved. But with Huawei wearables, not only can you track the entire sleeping duration, but also get tips for sleep quality improvement – probably the best way to achieve better sleep quality!
Developing regular sleep-wake rhythm via a healthy lifestyle is critical for users who often deal with difficulty sleeping – give Huawei wearables a try to say farewell to insomnia!