3, 2, 1… Ready to win? – Only Two More Weeks for the Wearable Technologies Innovation World Cup 2013

Time is running out, only two weeks left to submit for the Wearable Technologies Innovation World Cup 2013/14. Deadline is November 30, 2013. You still have time to enter your submission before the database closes.

The world’s leading wearable technologies competition has been looking for innovative ideas, products, apps, small electronic devices, and prototypes of any wearable technologies since 2009.

Contestants can submit their solution for free in one of these categories: Sports & Fitness, Healthcare & Wellness, Security & Prevention, and Gaming & Lifestyle.

This year, for the first time, the WT Innovation World Cup also established a few special categories: “blukii® App 2.0”, “Smart Textiles”, “Evolve Insurance Award”, and very recently, “Phone as a Wearable Hub Award”.  The “Phone as a Wearable Hub Award” is looking for the most innovative and best solutions using a smart phone as the communication hub for wearable devices – and is open for new entries and for those who already entered their solution into the database (just answer a few additional questions and it is done).

Anyone can win – but to be considered you must submit and answer all the questions in the questionnaire. The WT Innovation World Cup´s finalists then get the chance to win exciting prizes worth a total of USD200,000 (including $5,000 cash prize for the winner), and benefit from a global network of potential customers and business partners. To register visit www.innovation-worldcup.com/wt/

You have a great idea for an innovative solution, but it’s not a wearable technologies? Try one of these two competitions: The M2M Challenge 2013/14, also running until November 30, and the Cloud Innovation World Cup, running until March 15, 2014. Don’t miss the chance to win, enter your solution!

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