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Cathy Russey

Cathy Russey
Cathy Russey () is Online Editor at WT | Wearable Technologies and specialized in writing about the latest medical wearables and enabling technologies on the market. Cathy can be contacted at info(at)wearable-technologies.com.
Sidera DWD

Sidera Blockchain Technologies Launches World’s first Wearable Decentralized Device

Sidera Blockchain Technologies has developed BitSmart, an ERC 20 wallet integrated smartwatch with amazing features. It is the first Decentralized Wearable Device (DWD) in...
Self-healing material

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Create Autonomously Self-Healing Material for Robots

Ever since the blockbuster success of Terminator movies, the idea of creating a self-healing machine has been a fantasy for scientists. Many natural organisms...
Wearables for mental health patients

Wearable Devices and Mobile Apps Exploring Users’ States of Mind to Tackle Anxiety and...

The worldwide epidemic of mental illness is putting great strain on health systems and societies. Prevalence of mental health issues is forcing some researchers...
Wearables for rehab

Innovative Wearables for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Injuries

When we think about wearable technology, we tend to think about fitness trackers and AR headsets, but wearable technology goes well beyond that. In...
Signia Styletto

Signia Styletto: High-tech Hearing Aids with Stylish Design

Sivantos has unveiled its latest product Signia Styletto, a hearing aid that looks like a pair of stylish headsets. The brains behind the new...
Chronic diseases

Wearables for Chronic Diseases and Mobility Challenges

The management of chronic diseases such as chronic breathing disorders, diabetes, pain and other conditions, has become a challenge for the doctors and patients...