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Tag: Apple Watch

Performance Lab Activity Types

Performance Lab Patents ‘Activity Types’ for Smarter Fitness Coaching

Performance Lab, an Auckland, New Zealand-based Product and technology development company related to fitness and wellness coaching has invented and patented a new classification...
Wearable tech in restaurants

How Wearable Technology Can Transform the Restaurant Industry?

While wearable technology’s impact in fitness and healthcare is clearly visible, it is yet to make a firm imprint in the restaurant industry. From...
University of Calgary Wearable tech

University of Calgary Launches Wearable Tech Program Amid Huge Demand

University of Calgary has launched a new program to train graduate students on wearable technology – a market that has exploded into a multi-billion-dollar...
Heart rate tracking

Easiest Way to Track Your Heart Rate With Wearable Fitness Trackers

It’s very important to track heart rate. It can help you set fitness goals and reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and heart...
Apple patents charging solution

Apple Patents Technology to Wirelessly Charge Between Apple Devices

It appears that tech giant Apple has found a solution to the problem of your Apple device running out of battery when you are...
Apple watch student ID

Apple to Add Support for Student ID to iPhones and Apple Watch For Six...

To a college student, the student ID card is their entire lifeline. Students use it to get into their residence hall, the fitness center...