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Tag: Bacteria

Hydrogel Material Kills Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

New Hydrogel Material For Wound Treatment Can Kill Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have developed a new material that prevents infections in wounds. The new material, a specially designed hydrogel,...
LG Puricare wearable mask

LG Launches PuriCare, A Rechargeable Wearable Air Purifier Mask

According to World Health Organization (WHO), masks should be worn as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress COVID-19 transmission and save...
Graphene Facemask Can Kill Coronavirus

Graphene Facemask Kills Bacteria and Showed Potential In Deactivating Coronavirus

Face masks have become a vital part of our armament in the battle against coronavirus. However, these masks need to be used properly; incorrect...
wearables treat antibiotic resistant infections

New Wearable Device Treats Antibiotic-Resistant Infections And Wounds

There is a rise in antibiotic-resistant infections worldwide. Antibiotics are given to patients to kill germs called bacteria. However, over time, certain groups of...