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Biobeat wearable ambulatory blood pressure monitor

Biobeat Launches Wearable Continuous Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Device

Biobeat, a global leader in wearable remote patient monitoring solutions for the healthcare continuum, announced today the launch of its new wearable and continuous...
Biobeat Receives CE Mark

Biobeat Receives CE Mark for its Patch and Wristwatch for Vital Signs Monitoring

Biobeat, a bio-medical technology company developing advanced sensing and remote monitoring solutions for patients, received CE Mark approval for its patch and wristwatch for...
Biobeat blood pressure monitor

Biobeat’s Wearable Blood Pressure Monitors Receive FDA 501K Clearance

Biobeat, an Israeli bio-medical technology company received FDA 501K clearance for its patch and smartwatch for measurement of blood pressure, oxygenation and heart rate...
Wearables health data

Wearables Now Provide Vital Health Data and Warn Users of Potentially Life-Threatening Conditions

Wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers now allow you to monitor your heart rate without seeing your doctor. But the new generation...