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Tag: COVID-19 pandemic

Amazon’s Healthcare Aspirations in 2021

How Amazon Expanded Its Healthcare Aspirations in 2021

The healthcare industry is currently experiencing seismic shifts with much of the focus being placed on COVID-19 clinical, operational, and financial efforts. In 2021,...
Physilect Exergames using Movesense sensor

Physilect Developing A Series Of Exergames That Use Movesense Sensor As A Controller

Physilect, a Finnish pioneer of computer aided remote rehabilitation, is developing a series of exergames that use Movesense sensor as a controller. With the...
Wearable Freeze-Dried Cell-Free Face Masks

Wearable Freeze-Dried Cell-Free Face Masks for COVID-19 Detection

Integrating synthetic biology into wearables could expand opportunities for noninvasive monitoring of physiological status, disease states and exposure to pathogens or toxins. However, the...
LG Puricare wearable mask

LG Launches PuriCare, A Rechargeable Wearable Air Purifier Mask

According to World Health Organization (WHO), masks should be worn as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress COVID-19 transmission and save...
DIGISEQ contactless payment

DIGISEQ’s New Solution Allows Consumers To Turn Any Wearable Into A Contactless Payment Device

DIGISEQ announced a breakthrough in payment wearable technology giving consumers the functionality to turn any object of choice into a payment device with a...
Wearable Contactless Payments rising popularity

The Future Is Now: Wearable Contactless Payments

Fueled by the pandemic, the contactless payment systems boomed in 2020. Now, experts are saying that 2021 will be a pivotal year for contactless...