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Tag: Covid-19

Sensors printed on skin without heat

Penn State Engineers Print Sensors Directly On Human Skin Without Using Heat

Over the last few years, we have seen an increased interest in flexible sensors that provide biometric measurements with comfort to the user. Now,...
Moodbeam $583k Seed investment

Moodbeam Receives $583k Seed investment To Boost Workplace Wellbeing

Moodbeam, a Hull-based health tech start-up, which produces wearable mental wellbeing devices, has received £450k (US$583k) in investment. It follows two rounds of investment...
London Marathon Bump wearable

Runners At This Year’s London Marathon Will Wear Social Distancing Wearables

The 2020 London Marathon is set for 4 October, having been postponed from the traditional April scheduling due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The organizers...
Apple Watch 6 blood oxygen

The New Apple Watch Measures Blood Oxygen To Help Users Monitor The Effects Of...

According to a new article by ResearchAndMarkets.com, the new series 6 Apple watch can monitor blood oxygen; the technology is designed to aid users...
US Military COVID19 wearable

U.S. Military’s AI-Powered Wearable Can Detect COVID-19 Two Days Before You Get Sick

Some soldiers in the U.S. military have been equipped with wearables that provides early warning of COVID-19 infection. The technology known as Rapid Analysis...
Wearable diagnostic helping healthcare

Amid COVID-19 Pandemic Innovative Diagnostic Devices Helping The Healthcare System

The covid-19 pandemic illustrates the importance of medical devices and wearable remote monitoring devices in healthcare. As hospitals were struggling to make space for...