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Tag: Exoskeleton

Neurolutions IpsiHand FDA Authorization

Neurolutions IpsiHand Upper Extremity Rehabilitation System Receives FDA De Novo Market Authorization

Neurolutions, Inc., a medtech company with offices in Santa Cruz, California and St. Louis, Missouri, announced that the U.S. FDA granted De Novo market...
Vanderbilt exosuit back pain

New Exosuit Built By Vanderbilt Engineers Could Change Work Habits of the Future

A simple piece of tech developed by Vanderbilt engineers can help significantly reduce risk for back pain. The exosuit, which supports human movement and...
Hyundai VEX exoskeleton

Hyundai Develops Lighter Exoskeleton to Ease Burden in Overhead Work

Jobs like car mechanics require workers to lift one of both arms while lifting heavy weight, drilling, driving screws etc. These tasks may lead...