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Tag: Fitness trackers

Samsung galaxy fit

Samsung Galaxy Fit Could Mean Big Name Competition for Fitbit

A rumor surfaced a few weeks ago about a new Samsung smartwatch. Now, it looks like Samsung might be getting ready to also launch...
Wearable improve aging

Wearable Device Data Along with AI algorithm Help Improve Natural Aging

Wearable devices can help people and physicians to monitor their natural aging and the risk of future disease, according to a study published in...
Fitbit enterprise only trackers

Fitbit Implements New Strategy, Launches Two Enterprise-Only Devices

San Francisco, California-based Fitbit has quietly launched two new fitness trackers, the Fitbit Inspire and Fitbit Inspire HR, designed specifically for health plans, employers...
Fabric uses body heat

UMass Researchers Develop Inexpensive Method of Using Body Heat to Power Wearables

Scientists from the University of Massachusetts have developed a low-cost fabric that can harvest body heat to power wearables such as fitness trackers. Read more...
Wearable materials market

Wearable Materials Market Projected to Register a CAGR of 15% Between 2018 and 2023

The increasing demand for low-cost wearables and rising disposable income in emerging economies are behind the growth in wearable materials market, according to a...
Wearable sensors

How Wearable Sensors Can Provide Comfort and Improve Health

The ever-increasing number of elderlies and escalating healthcare expenses are driving people to choose various fitness wearables to track their activity and improve health....