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Tag: Flexible sensors

Flexible Graphene Photodetectors

Flexible Graphene Photodetectors Accurately Measure Health Data in Wearables

Wearable health and wellness devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers use optical detection to monitor vital health data. However, this rigid technology hinders...
Stretchable Electronics Market

Report: Stretchable Electronics Market Will Grow to $500M Within a Decade

Stretchable electronics is a technology for building electronic circuits by depositing stretchable electronic devices and circuits onto stretchable substrates or embed them entirely in...
Stanford BodyNet flexible sensors

Stanford Scientists Develop Fully Flexible Wireless Sensors for Tracking Health

For monitoring health or conduct studies, flexible body-worn sensors are the best choice for wearable device developers. However, sensors currently available are bulky and...
Hydrogel sensors

KIST Researchers Develop Hydrogel-Based High-Performance Sensors for Wearables

The demand for wearable devices, including smartwatches, fitness bands and smart patches is increasing rapidly. These devices require high-performance sensors on surfaces of various...
Red wine wearables

Red Wine May Hold the Key to Wearables of Tomorrow

Drinking red wine is not only good for heart, it may help build next generation wearables that monitor your heart. A team of scientists from...
Multek Printed Circuit Board Technology

Multek Printed Circuit Board Technology Delivering Powerful Interconnect Solutions

Multek, a Guangdong, China-based technology company is one of the companies exhibiting at the WT | Wearable Technologies Conference in San Francisco. The company...