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Tag: Focus

PlatoWork brain stimulator

PlatoWork Brain Stimulator: Smart Headset for Boosting Cognition

We all go through days when our brains simply refuse to collaborate. If guzzling down coffee doesn’t help, you might want to try PlatoWork...
Revibe Connect wearable

Revibe is a Fitbit-Like Wearable that Vibrates to Refocus Wearers’ Attention

Many students, especially younger ones, struggle to stay focused in the classroom. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects children and teens and can continue...
Panasonic Wear Space

Wear Space – A Wearable Concentration Device that Helps You Focus by Providing a...

Wear Space is a wearable concentration device developed by Panasonic‘s Future Life Factory. The device helps you focus by limiting your senses of sight...