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Tag: Learning

Humm Launches Public Beta For Wearable Learning

Neurotech Startup Humm Launches Public Beta Of Its Wearable To Improve Learning Ability

humm, a neurotech company focused on helping people learn, launched a public beta for the world's first consumer wearable to improve learning ability. Backed...
Wearables in eLearning

How Wearables Can Enhance E-Learning

Wearable technology is now being widely used as a learning tool. Wearables are transforming how we approach education and will probably become a vital...
Best kids’ smartwatches

Best Smartwatches And Fitness Trackers For Kids 2020

Smartwatches aren’t just for kids anymore. Various companies are offering smartwatches that cater to the needs for children. These smartwatches offer health tracking, games,...
Humm edge headset

HUMM’s Edge Headset Stimulates Brain to Boost Memory and Kicks Your Learning Speed into...

San Francisco Bay area startup HUMM has launched a new headset called Edge, which is the first brain-stimulating headband to activate the part of...