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Imperial College London Future of Wearable Technologies

Imperial College London Explores The Future of Wearable Technologies

In a paper published in June 2021, researchers at the Imperial College London have explored the future of wearable technologies. The wearable technology industry...
Mace Deploys RealWear Wearable Computers

Mace Group Deploys RealWear’s Voice-Enabled Wearable Computers During Pandemic

Mace Group, a global consultancy and construction firm headquartered in London, has deployed RealWear’s assisted reality wearable computers running voice-enabled Microsoft Teams, paving the...
FDA eXciteOSA sleep apnea

FDA Authorizes Daytime Device to Reduce Snoring and Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized marketing of eXciteOSA – a neuromuscular tongue stimulating device that could help prevent sleep apnea...
TriSilix lab on chip diagnostic

New Silicon-Based Lab-On-Chip Could Deliver Accurate Results Within Minutes

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a molecular diagnostic testing technique and is a gold standard diagnostic test for a variety of infectious pathogens, including...
Wearable prevents shin splints

This Wearable Insole Could Prevent Shin Splints Forever

The term "shin splints" refers to pain along the shin bone, also known as the tibia. It is the large bone in the front...
London Marathon Bump wearable

Runners At This Year’s London Marathon Will Wear Social Distancing Wearables

The 2020 London Marathon is set for 4 October, having been postponed from the traditional April scheduling due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The organizers...