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Tag: Machine learning

Fitbit is Trying to Transform Healthcare

How Fitbit is Trying to Transform Healthcare, While Transforming Itself

With the launch of its first product, the Fitbit Tracker, Fitbit has gained a foothold in healthcare. Since its launch in 2007, the San...
Foci helps stay focused

Foci Wearable Boosts Your Focus Through The Power of Machine Learning

Foci, a wearable device when clipped to your waist, tracks each breath you take, and then utilizes motion sensors and machine learning to analyze...
Machine learning improving exosuit performance

Using Machine Learning Algorithm to Personalize Wearables

Assistive devices like exosuits are being manufactured by various developers including the Harvard Biodesign Lab. In order to make these soft, assistive devices work...
artificial intelligence healthcare

Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have taken the healthcare industry by storm. They aren’t just illusional tech any more, they are practical tools...
smartwatches listening

Is it Time for the Smartwatches to Start Listening Carefully?

As Apple says, the Apple Watch is definitely the most personal device they’ve manufactured. Still, the tech giants who have immersed themselves in the...