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MIT smart shirt for vital signs

MIT Develops Smart Shirt That Can Monitor Heart Rate, Temperature and Other Vital Signs

MIT engineers have developed a way to incorporate tiny electronic sensors into stretchy fabrics, allowing them to create shirts or other clothing items that...
University of Helsinki and MIT wearables for babies

University of Helsinki and MIT Researchers Develop Movement Suit, Smart Diaper for Remote Monitoring...

Two academic institutions have developed smart technology for remote monitoring of babies. Researchers from the University of Helsinki have developed a smart jumpsuit, or a...
Smart patch for insulin delivery

This Coin-Sized Smart Patch Delivers Insulin as Blood Sugar Increases

With the rise in diabetes cases worldwide, researchers have been finding novel ways to manage this dreaded disease. Now, a team of researchers from...
Raman spectroscopy for diabetes

MIT Researchers Prove Noninvasive Spectroscopy Could Be an Alternative to Needle Pricks for Diabetics

People with diabetes need to endure painful needle pricks several times a day to check their blood sugar levels. However, studies have shown that...
Smart bandages changing medicine

How Smart Bandages Are Transforming Medicine and Healthcare

Chronic wounds are a major health issue affecting tens of millions of people worldwide. While some bandages today are embedded with medicine to treat...
MIT AI Smart glove

This AI-Powered Smart Glove Can Identify Objects by Touch

Scientists at MIT have developed a smart glove that can recognize objects by touching alone. In the dark, humans have the ability to identify an...