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Tag: Photoplethysmography (PPG)

Maxim Enhance Reliability PPG Data

How to Enhance Reliability of PPG Data for Health Wearables, According To Maxim Integrated

Whether a sensor can provide reliable data depends on the target information, the algorithm deployed, and the specific details of a given use case....
Fitbit Heart Study

Fitbit Launches Large-Scale Study To See If Its Wearables Can Detect Atrial Fibrillation

Fitbit launched a large-scale study, which aims to validate the use of its wearables to help detect atrial fibrillation, or AFib, the most common...
Wearable heart rate monitor vary by activity

Heart Rate Measurements of Wearables Vary by Activity, Not Skin Tone, Duke Study Reveals

Engineers at Duke University have shown that while different wearable technologies, like smart watches and fitness trackers, can accurately measure heart rate across a...