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Tag: Smart fabric

Breathable Fabric to Power Small Electronics

High Performance, Breathable Fabric to Power Small Electronics

Using the movement of a body to charge electronic devices such as phones may soon become a reality, thanks to the work done on...
Chinese Researchers Develop Wearable Display

Chinese Researchers Develop Wearable Electronic Textiles With a Large-Area Display

A team of researchers from Fudan University in Shanghai, China, has developed an electronic textile with a large-area display that could have applications in...
Fudan University wearable display

Chinese Scientists Develop Smart Fabric That Can Display Texts

As wearables like smartwatches and smart glasses continue to grow, scientists all over the world are working hard to create the holy grail of...
Tufts University Bioactive Ink

Smart Fabrics With Bioactive Inks Monitor Health Of the Wearer By Changing Color

A team of researchers at Tufts University’s School of Engineering have developed biomaterial-based inks that respond to chemicals released from the body in fluids...
Microsoft patent smart fabrics

Microsoft Patent Suggests it May Soon Launch Smart Fabric Products

It seems Google is about to take the lead in commercializing smart clothing and fabrics. Tech companies like Samsung and Apple are already on...
Dartmouth Smart fabric for athletes

Smart Fabric Helps Athletes and Physical Therapy Patients Reduce Injury and Accelerate Recovery

A team of researchers at Dartmouth College have developed a low-cost motion-sensing fabric that athletes and physical therapy patients can wear on their arm to optimize...