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Tag: Smart headband

Humm edge headset

HUMM’s Edge Headset Stimulates Brain to Boost Memory and Kicks Your Learning Speed into...

San Francisco Bay area startup HUMM has launched a new headset called Edge, which is the first brain-stimulating headband to activate the part of...
Panasonic Wear Space

Wear Space – A Wearable Concentration Device that Helps You Focus by Providing a...

Wear Space is a wearable concentration device developed by Panasonic‘s Future Life Factory. The device helps you focus by limiting your senses of sight...
Muse meditation headband

Muse Releases Latest Version of its Brain Sensing Headband for Meditation

Interaxon, the company that developed brain sensing headband for meditation, has released the newest version of the device. Muse is a wearable brain sensing...
Philips SmartSleep

Philips Releases New SmartSleep Headband That Uses Science to Help You Achieve Deep Sleep

Your fitness tracker will tell you how long you’ve slept the previous night and how long your deep sleep lasted, but if you had...