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Tag: Smartglasses

Stylish smartglasses

These Smartglasses Aren’t Just Smart They’re Also Very Fashionable

The arrival of 5G, followed by advancements in Augmented Reality and the need for a more efficient workforce are driving the popularity of smartglasses....
Blind peoples wearable

These New Generation of Wearables are Empowering Blind and the Visually Impaired

While wearable tech has been more of a novelty for most part, new types of wearable technology are changing people’s lives on a daily...
Bose Frames

Bose Announces Frames – Revolutionary Smartglasses that Combine Sunglasses, Wireless Headphones and Audio Augmented...

Bose announced Frames – a revolutionary smartglasses combining the style of premium sunglasses, performance of wireless headphones, and the world's first audio augmented reality...
ARtGlass AR tourism

Wearable Augmented Reality Startup ARtGlass Raises $1.3 Million in Angel Funding

ARtGlass, a Richmond, VA-based startup that provides augmented reality experiences on smartglasses to cultural and historic sites, closed a $1.3 million angel financing round. Related...
Wearables for workers

Life-Saving Wearable Devices that Boost Safety for Construction Workers

The construction industry ranks in first place when it comes to the number of fatal workplace injuries. In 2016, there were 991 deaths reported...
Wearables in factory

Majority of Manufacturing Facilities Will Adopt Wearable Technology in 5 Years

As wearables are becoming popular, their uses are also becoming diverse. Commercial use of wearables is on the rise. Wearable devices that were once...