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Tag: Wearable sensor

Sensors provide running economy

Sensors with Real-Time Evaluation of Running Economy and Foot Mechanics Open New Opportunities

One of the key factors differentiating East African runners from other runners around the world is the steady-state oxygen consumption at a given submaximal...
IBM fingernail sensor

IBM Develops Fingernail Sensor That Uses Artificial Intelligence to Monitor Parkinson’s, Other Diseases

The strength of grip is a useful metric for monitoring diseases. Grip strength has been linked with the effectiveness of medication in people with...
Shunt wearable sensor

This Wearable Skin Sensor Could Improve the Lives of People with Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus, a condition in which there is an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the brain, can be treated with a shunt system, and...
Nightwatch seizure detection

Nightwatch – Wearable Night Time Seizure Detection Device Developed by Dutch Scientists

Researchers at Kempenhaeghe and Eindhoven University of Technology in collaboration with multiple partners have developed nighttime seizure alert device for people with epilepsy. Nightwatch,...
Masimo RAS 45

Masimo’s Rainbow Acoustic Monitoring RAS-45 Breathing Sensor for Babies Gets FDA Clearance

Masimo, the Irvine, CA-based American manufacturer of noninvasive patient monitoring technologies, announced the FDA approval of its RAS-45, an acoustic respiration sensor for rainbow...
L’Oreal UV sense

L’Oreal’s Batteryless UV Sense Fits On Your Fingernail

Beauty and makeup company L'Oreal has introduced UV Sense, a new wearable UV sensor that can be stuck on your nail. The batteryless device...