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Tag: Whoop

US paratroopers whoop strap

US Army Outfits Paratroopers With WHOOP Strap To Assess Level of Stress

U.S. Army paratroopers are sporting biometric data-collecting wearables nonstop for half a year as part of an ongoing research project to measure stress levels...
WHOOP Howard University partnership

Human Performance Company WHOOP Becomes Official Performance Partner of Howard University Athletics

Howard University Department of Athletics and WHOOP announced a new multi-year deal that names WHOOP the Official Performance Partner of the school. The initial...
Whoop Raises 100 Million dollars Becomes Unicorn

Fitness Wearable Startup WHOOP Raises $100 Million Series E to Become Unicorn

Boston-based digital fitness startup Whoop has announced a $100 million Series E investment that spikes the valuation of the company at $1.2 billion, making...
Expo 2020 Dubai Whoop Wearable Strap

Expo 2020 Dubai Uses Whoop Wearable Strap To Monitor Workers’ Health

Expo 2020 Dubai has completed the first phase of a program to monitor workers’ health on construction sites using wearable devices. The program, a...
Smart clothes revenue will rise

Smart Clothes to Contribute Over $11 Bn to Fitness Wearable Revenue by 2025, Says...

A new report from Juniper Research forecasts that annual revenue of integrated fitness clothing will rise from approximately $1 billion in 2020 to $11...
WHOOP study hidden coronavirus cases

WHOOP Partners with CQUniversity and Cleveland Clinic to Study Whether its Wearable Could Identify...

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in four individuals that are infected by the novel Coronavirus actually remain asymptomatic....