Graphene Facemask Kills Bacteria and Showed Potential In Deactivating Coronavirus
Face masks have become a vital part of our armament in the battle against coronavirus. However, these masks need to be used properly; incorrect...
New Wearable Device Treats Antibiotic-Resistant Infections And Wounds
There is a rise in antibiotic-resistant infections worldwide. Antibiotics are given to patients to kill germs called bacteria. However, over time, certain groups of...
Smart Contact Lens Mimics Human Iris to Combat Vision Disorders
A collaboration between Imec, a Belgian research institution, Ghent University, Spain’s Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz, and Holst Centre in The Netherlands,...
Wearable Cardiac Devices Market Worth USD 6.4 Billion By 2026, According To Global Market...
The growing adoption of wearable technology across the healthcare sector will drive the global wearable cardiac devices market share, according to a new report...
Silicone 3D Printing Paving The Way for Soft Robotics And Wearables
Researches in the medical field are causing a rise in wearables and soft robotics. Recent research published in Nature explains how soft materials can...
Artificial Electronic Skin Senses Pain, Temperature As Fast As Human Skin
Researchers at RMIT University in Australia have developed electronic artificial skin that reacts to pain just like human skin. The wearable sticker-like device can...