The WT | Wearable Technologies Picnic is Back!

Warm weather is coming and with it a new edition of our WT | Picnic! For the 4th time, this gathering of tech enthusiasts...
Fitbit wearables for healthcare

Fitbit CEO James Park Believes Wearables Are Vital for a Better Healthcare System

Fitbit CEO James Park thinks if you want to change your habits, you can start by measuring them. Related How Fitbit is Trying to Transform...
John Hancock Vitality

John Hancock Departs from Traditional Life Insurance Model to Reward Customers for Taking Steps...

John Hancock is leaving behind its traditional life insurance policies to replace them with Vitality – a behavior change platform that gives incentives to...
Android turns 10

Google’s Android OS Turns 10 Powers 88 Percent of the Smartphones Today

When Google launched its Android OS 10 years ago, Apple's iOS and Nokia's Symbian OS were already dominating the market. So, it took some...
Future health wearables

The State of Wearable Technology in Healthcare: Current and Future

With the advancement of technology, healthcare is getting more access to patient information to understand patient behaviors and improved care. The proliferation of wearables...
Pomocup wearable for ski tourers

Pomocup: The First Smart Wearable Conceived By and For Ski Tourers

Pomocup, a wearable device made for ski tourers, uses movement sensors and algorithms to analyze and understand all your ski touring moves. A partnership...