Augmented Reality and Lifestyle

Augmented Reality and Lifestyle – Technology That Will Blow Your Mind

Augmented Reality or AR for short, is an interactive experience of a real-world environment whose elements are augmented by perceptual information generated by computer....
Covestro mira prism

Core 77 Design Awards 2018: Covestro Materials Prize Awarded to Mira Prism AR Headset

Recognizing excellence in all areas of design enterprise, the Core77 Design Awards annually celebrates the richness of the design profession as well as the...
Pomocup wearable for ski tourers

Pomocup: The First Smart Wearable Conceived By and For Ski Tourers

Pomocup, a wearable device made for ski tourers, uses movement sensors and algorithms to analyze and understand all your ski touring moves. A partnership...
Loomia smart fabric

These Smart Clothes Sell Your Data and Make You Earn Money

LOOMIA, a Brooklyn, NY-based smart-textile startup has developed a material that, when connected to sensors, can heat up and emit light. Loomia envisions that your...
Airpower charging mat

Long-awaited AirPower Charging Mat by Apple Rumored to Ship in September

The long-awaited AirPower wireless charger by Apple may finally appear in market in September following astonishing disclosures about the reasons for this extraordinary delay. Bloomberg...
smart clothes

Smart Clothes Are Available At a Store Near You, Choose the One That Fits...

Smart clothing or E-textiles first appeared in 2015. Companies are slowly adopting this novel concept of connected garments. Smart clothes are more than just...