Winter is coming…

Winter season, Christmas time, cold days, dress like an onion, snow. Finally it’s the time of the year for skiing, snowboarding or sledding! There are...

News Roundup – November 2014

The fashion community is again partnering with tech companies for strategic alliances or simply for the Christmas season. Coincidence? We don’t think so. However,...

Smash, swing, drive your tennis progress with wearables

Smart bands are becoming more sophisticated by the minute. Whereas the traditional bands measure stepcounts and activity levels only, the advancements in sensing technology...

These shoes are made for walking… and a lot more!

If orientation is not your strongest feat and if you want to track your daily activities in a discreet way, this is for you! Finding...

2nd MEDICA MEDICINE + SPORTS CONFERENCE: when sports and medicine and technology get engaged

WT is partnering with the 2nd MEDICA Medicine + Sports Conference –  the place to be for the who is who sports performance and...

The first 100 participants ordering a STMicroelectronics SDK will qualify to get it for...

Submit your innovative solution for free at and order one of the SDKs provided by STMicroelectronics with a discount of up to 100%. The...