Learning from the past – points to be borne in mind when creating WT

The Wearable Technologies (WT) mega trend got off the ground half-way through the 1990s. Three workshops organised as early initiatives and sponsored by DARPA,...

Sensors add a new basic function to garments

Mikko Malmivaara is Product and Marketing Manager for the Finish textile and sensor integrator Clothing+.  In the following interview, he explains what his company...

Extend your vision, augment your reality

Numerous research institutes and R&D departments are looking into alternative concepts to conventional portable communication devices. Wearable products that fall into this category include...

WIMM the technology platform behind the CardioDefender

Everist Genomics had to cancel their attendance at the WTconference at the last minute, unfortunately. As probably many of you were looking forward to...

Wearing a chest belt during sports like handball is hardly realistic

Björn Eskofier is Head of the Digital Sports and Sportronics Group at the Pattern Recognition Lab of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. He is also...

What an inspiring conference!

Wearable Technologies are soon going to hit the mainstream judging from what we heard from our inspiring speakers and given the interesting mix of...