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Tag: Cancer diagnosis

AI detects lung cancer

Northwestern University and Google Team Up to Use AI to Detect Lung Cancer Earlier

Lung cancer kills 160,000 people in the U.S. every year and the global death toll from the disease is around 2 million. Lung cancer...
Wearable capture cancer cells

UMich Scientists Develop Wearable Device that Captures Live Bloodborne Cancer Cells

Scientists at the University of Michigan have developed a wearable device that could soon replace traditional biopsies to diagnose cancer. The watch-sized device can harvest more...
Microfluidic device for cancer

Breakthrough Microfluidic Device Detects Cancer Faster and Less Invasively

Researchers at the University of Kansas, The University of Kansas Cancer Center and KU Medical Center, developed a device that could allow doctors to...
Biosensor for lung cancer

Graphene Biosensor Could Provide Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

Most lung cancers are difficult to cure because they’re diagnosed after the cancer reached its advanced stage. In recent years, scientists have found ways...