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Tag: ECG

Sensors Measure Biochemical Compounds

Swedish Scientists Develop Multi-Purpose Sensors for Measuring Biochemical Compounds in Blood and Sweat

Traditional wearable devices can monitor step count, heart rate, blood pressure and even blood glucose. However, these devices have limited functionality and have issues...
Imec Bloomlife Wearable 5-Channel ECG Chip

First Ever Wearable 5-Channel ECG Chip to Monitor Fetal Heart Rate and Mobility

Leading nanoelectronics research and innovation hub imec and its spinoff Bloomlife have showcased a prototype of the world's first wearable 5-channel ECG chip to...
Biofourmis arrhythmia detection RhythmAnalytics

FDA Clears Biofourmis’ AI-Driven Arrhythmia Detection Platform RhythmAnalytics

Biofourmis, a Singapore-based health-tech startup, has received FDA clearance for its cloud-based software, RhythmAnalytics, which helps healthcare professionals in detecting cardiac arrhythmia, or irregular...
Wearable Detects Atrial Fibrillation

Wearable Tech Can Safely Detect Atrial Fibrillation, Says Apple Heart Study

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) is an abnormal heart rhythm characterized by rapid and irregular beating of the atria – the heart's two upper chambers. The...
aiCTX Neuromorphic Processor

aiCTX Neuromorphic Processor Able to Detect Anomalies in ECG

Zurich, Switzerland-based aiCTX developed DynapSE neuromorphic processor which can be used to detect anomalies in a single-lead, ECG-like signal. In a YouTube video, aiCTX demonstrated...
imec disposable patch

Imec, TNO Unveil Disposable Health Patch with Non-Toxic Battery that Runs for Over a...

imec, a Belgium-based R&D and innovation hub, active in the fields of nanoelectronics and digital technologies, and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research,...