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Tag: Exoskeletons

Exosuit improves metabolic rate

Scientists Develop Exosuit that Improves Metabolic Rate of Walking and Running

When walking or running, our gaits cover a wide range of speeds. For example, we may take a leisurely walk in the park, but...
Ekso Bionics EksoNR

Ekso Bionics Unveils Next Generation Neurorehabilitation Suit EksoNR

Ekso Bionics, a company that develops some of the most advanced exoskeletons out there, unveiled EksoNR, the next generation robotic exoskeleton. Designed primarily for...
ReStore Exosuit

ReStore Exosuit, the First Soft Robotic System for Stroke Therapy Gets FDA Clearance

Stroke is a leading cause of disability, which affects approximately 17 million people worldwide each year, and as many as 80% of people who...
Bioservo Ironhand upgrade

Bioservo Introduces Improved Version of its Ironhand Soft Robotic Muscle Strengthening System

Bioservo, a long-term partner of the WT | Wearable Technologies Conference, introduced the next version of Ironhand, the world’s first soft robotic muscle strengthening...
ErgoJack soft robotic wearable

Fraunhofer’s Soft Robotic Wearable System Protects Workers from Back Injury

A common complaint among workers in factories, construction sites and several other fields is back pain. While back injuries affect more than 1 million workers, it...
ErgoJack Smart Vest

ErgoJack, a Soft Robotic Upper-Body Orthosis Aimed at Reducing Workplace Injuries

The excruciating pain from back injuries can be long-lasting. Back problems are common among workers working at factories, construction sites, and farms. According to...