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Tag: Fitness trackers

Google Samsung Announce new OS Wear

Google and Samsung are merging Their Operating Systems

Google and Samsung announced that they are essentially combining Wear OS — Google’s operating system — and the Tizen-based software platform that has been...
A man sleeping

Not Getting A Good Night’s Sleep? Huawei Wearables Will Help You Understand Your Sleep...

In the modern world, life is hectic. Every day we wake up and get busy doing everything that needs to get done except for...
Wearable Contactless Payments rising popularity

The Future Is Now: Wearable Contactless Payments

Fueled by the pandemic, the contactless payment systems boomed in 2020. Now, experts are saying that 2021 will be a pivotal year for contactless...
Garmin’s Wearables For Outdoor Activities

Explore the Outdoors With These Rugged and Stylish Wearables From Garmin

Different people handled the global pandemic and the resulting shutdown in different ways. Some started playing crosswords while others went for outdoor activities. It has...
InvenSense ICP-10125 MEMS Barometric Pressure Sensor

InvenSense ICP-10125: Industry’s Lowest Power Waterproof MEMS Barometric Pressure Sensor for Wearables

TDK Corporation’s InvenSense ICP-10125 is part of the InvenSense SmartPressure family of the MEMS barometric pressure sensor platform. Combining barometric pressure and temperature sensing,...
Post-Pandemic Wearables will Change workout routines

Will The Post-Pandemic Wearables Change The Way People Workout?

Along with many other businesses, gyms and fitness clubs across the globe were forced to close amid the Covid-19 pandemic. As the lockdown continued...