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Tag: Headsets

Livio AI

Starkey’s New Livio AI Hearing Aid Doubles As a Fitness Tracker

Hearing aid giant Starkey Hearing Technologies, which back in 2014 launched one of the first hearing aids that connect directly to an iPhone, has...
Samsung Odyssey plus

Samsung Odyssey+ Mixed Reality Headset Could Fix its Jumbled VR

Samsung may soon have a new Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) headset in the market, according to a new FCC filing spotted by Road to...
Microsoft hololens 2

Microsoft HoloLens 2: What We Know So Far About the Next-Gen Headset

A little over 3 years ago Microsoft launched HoloLens, its ambitious incursion into the world of augmented reality glasses. HoloLens gained popularity for being...
Movie changes with brain activity

This Interactive Movie Will Change Depending on Your Brain Activity

University of Nottingham has produced a movie where the plot changes depending on the viewer’s brain activity. Project leader Richard Ramchurn, a graduate student at...