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Tag: Injury

MIT toolkit design muscle sensing wearables

MIT Unveils a Toolkit That Allows Anyone To Design Their Own Muscle-Sensing Wearables

MIT’s Science and and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) has created a toolkit that lets users design health-sensing devices that can detect how muscles move....
Wearable prevents shin splints

This Wearable Insole Could Prevent Shin Splints Forever

The term "shin splints" refers to pain along the shin bone, also known as the tibia. It is the large bone in the front...
Vanderbilt algorithms prevent athlete injuries

Vanderbilt Researchers Develop Next-Gen Wearable Sensor Algorithms To Prevent Injury in Athletes

A bone stress injury (BSI) means that the bones cannot tolerate repeated mechanical loads, resulting in structural fatigue and local bone pain. A delay...
Fathom AI to predict injury

Duke Athletes Develop Wearable That Can Predict Injuries Before They Happen and Accelerate Healing

From muscle strains to ankle sprains, sports can bring about a number of injuries. Sometimes preventing common sports injuries is beyond our control, but...
Hyundai VEX exoskeleton

Hyundai Develops Lighter Exoskeleton to Ease Burden in Overhead Work

Jobs like car mechanics require workers to lift one of both arms while lifting heavy weight, drilling, driving screws etc. These tasks may lead...
FIGUR8 body movement

FIGUR8 Raises $7.5M in Seed Funding to Help Clinicians Make Better Decisions through Human...

FIGUR8, a new digital platform designed to measure and track body movements as a biomarker, was launched after the company raised $7.5 million in...