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Tag: Injury

Bioservo Ironhand upgrade

Bioservo Introduces Improved Version of its Ironhand Soft Robotic Muscle Strengthening System

Bioservo, a long-term partner of the WT | Wearable Technologies Conference, introduced the next version of Ironhand, the world’s first soft robotic muscle strengthening...
Vuzix Eaton ATEX smartglasses

Vuzix-Eaton Partnership to Develop Smartglasses for Hazardous Workplaces

In a workplace, flammable gases, mists or vapors or combustible dusts may cause hazardous atmosphere. According to both federal law and state law, employers...
ErgoJack Smart Vest

ErgoJack, a Soft Robotic Upper-Body Orthosis Aimed at Reducing Workplace Injuries

The excruciating pain from back injuries can be long-lasting. Back problems are common among workers working at factories, construction sites, and farms. According to...

Penta Medical Now Marketing PentaVO Wearable Cold Laser Therapy Device for Injuries

After receiving FDA approval for its wearable cold laser therapy and data collection device, Penta Medical is now on the sales and marketing trail,...
Wearables for rehab

Innovative Wearables for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Injuries

When we think about wearable technology, we tend to think about fitness trackers and AR headsets, but wearable technology goes well beyond that. In...