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Tag: Machine learning (ML)

NFL and Amazon Launch AI Challenge

NFL and Amazon Launch AI Challenge to Crowdsource Ways to Automate Player Identification Using...

The National Football League (NFL) and Amazon Web Services (AWS) today launched a new artificial intelligence challenge to create ways for computers to automatically...
Mudra wristband

MUDRA – The World’s First Neural Input Wristband

Wearable Devices Ltd., a sensing technology start-up, based in Israel, has created an innovative wristband named Mudra, which can manage smart-watch functions by simple...
Atlazo AZ-N1 AI SoC

Atlazo AZ-N1 is the World’s First Edge AI SoC for Smart Tiny Devices

San Francisco-based chipmaker Atlazo announced the launch of its first-generation AI SoC, AZ-N1, for smart tiny devices like TWS earbuds, smart hearing aids, and...
MIT AI system diagnoses pneumonia

AI System From MIT CSAIL Diagnoses Pneumonia And Knows When To Defer To A...

First established as a field in 1956, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of computer algorithms to approximate conclusions without direct human input. In...
FDA Digital health

FDA Advancing Digital Health to Accurately Diagnose and Treat Disease and Enhance Delivery of...

Digital health encompasses a wide range of novel digital technologies related to health and medicine. These include mobile health (mHealth), health information technology (IT),...
FDA supports AI in Telemedicine

How FDA is Backing the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Telemedicine

Telemedicine, also known as e-medicine, is the remote delivery of healthcare services, including tests and consultations, over the telecommunications infrastructure. Telemedicine allows health care...