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Tag: Neurostimulation

Humm forehead wearable

Humm Forehead Wearable Patch Is Designed to Improve Working Memory

Humm, a Berkeley, CA-based neuroscience company whose vision is to replace all medicines for brain health with safer and healthier technology, announced its new...
Halo Sport 2

Halo Sport 2: An Affordable Brain Zapping Headset That Boosts Athletic Performance

After a successful launch of Halo Sport, San Francisco-based human performance company Halo Neuroscience recently launched a fully upgraded Halo Sport 2 at a...
Graphene for implantable neurostimulators

Graphene to Protect Implantable Neurostimulators in People with Neurological Disorders

The U.S. is seeing a rise in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’ disease. A common method to treat these diseases is...
TrueTear dry eyes

Nasal Neurostimulating Device to Treat Dry Eye Syndrome

You don’t have to be sad to have tears in your eyes. Your eyes always have tears in them to provide moisture and lubrication...
Parkinsons WAND implant

Innovative Brain Implant Reads and Stimulates Brain to Improve Parkinson’s Treatment

Neurostimulation is often used to treat conditions such as epilepsy, effects of stroke, and even depression. In this type of treatment, special devices are...
wearable treats opoid addiction

DyAnsys Gets FDA Clearance For Its Wearable Device to Treat Opioid Addiction

DyAnsys, a company that provides advanced medical diagnostic and monitoring systems to hospitals and patients, has received clearance from the United States Food and...