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Tag: Prosthetics

Artificial Skin Bruises Like Real Skin

This Artificial Skin Bruises Like Real Skin, Could Be Used In Prosthetics and Robots...

When someone bumps their elbow against a wall, they not only feel pain but also might experience bruising. Robots and prosthetic limbs don’t have...
UC Berkeley sensor recognizes hand gestures

This AI-Powered Sensor Recognizes Hand Gestures, Have Potential Use in Prosthetics

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have developed a wearable sensor that combines artificial intelligence (AI) software to help recognize what hand gesture...
Global 3D Printed Wearables Market 2027

Global 3D Printed Wearables Market Size Expected to Reach USD 5.5 Billion by 2027

The global 3D printed wearables market size is expected to reach USD 5.5 billion by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 8.2%, according to...
NUS Electronic skin

NUS Scientists Develop Electronic Skin with Exceptional Sense of Touch for Prosthetics

Scientists have been working hard to improve prosthetic technology where artificial skin will have the ability to feel like a human skin. Many of...