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Tag: Type 1 diabetes

Cellnovo refillable insulin

Cellnovo Offering Refillable Insulin Cartridges, Expands Potential User Base

Cellnovo, a Paris-based medical technology company, announced its insulin cartridges are now refillable, allowing people with diabetes with higher insulin requirements, including some with...
Smart pill releases insulin

New Smart Pill Releases Insulin in the Stomach, Could Replace Injections for People with...

For people living with diabetes taking insulin injections multiple times a day is an annoying experience. However, since insulin is a protein, it cannot...
Evidation health and tidepool

Evidation Health Teams Up with Tidepool to Use Connected Devices for Studying Sleep, Type...

Evidation Health, a San Mateo, CA-based technology and services company, has teamed up with Tidepool, a nonprofit organization which provides free, open source software...
Insulet Omnipod dash

Insulet Wins FDA Approval for Omnipod DASH Insulin Management System

Insulet Corporation has announced that its Omnipod DASH Insulin Management System has received 510 (K) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)....