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Tag: Wearable breast pump

Willow Raises 20 Million dollars

Willow Raises $20 Million to Further Improve Its Wearable Breast Pump and Reach More...

Willow, the Mountain View, California-based femtech company that makes silent, all-in-one wearable breast pump system, raised an additional $20 million in funding. The investment...
Willow breast pump reusable milk container

Willow Improves its Breast Pump with New Reusable Milk Container

Willow, the maker of all-in-one wearable breast pump system, added a new reusable Milk Container to its pump, giving moms more freedom in how...
Willow breast pump

Willow Adds New Features to its Breast Pump at CES 2019

Everyone was talking about the Willow breast pump when it debuted at the CES in 2017. This convenient and unobtrusive breast pump is quiet...