Philips Releases New SmartSleep Headband That Uses Science to Help You Achieve Deep Sleep

Philips SmartSleep
Image: Philips

Your fitness tracker will tell you how long you’ve slept the previous night and how long your deep sleep lasted, but if you had a shorter deep sleep, it won’t help you achieve it. Now, Philips has released a new headband called ‘SmartSleep’ that plays quiet tones to help you get a good night’s sleep.

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About Deep Sleep

You may have heard that you need 8 hours of sleep each night. But, what also matters is the quality of sleep you get.

Deep sleep is very important to your health. It is the stage of sleep you need to feel rejuvenated when you wake up in the morning.

Our body goes through different phases of sleep during a night: a phase in which we move our eyes very fast, the REM phase (rapid-eye movement), and a non-REM phase, which is subdivided into three different levels.

When your body is in the deepest of the 3 sleep phases of REM, your heartbeat and respiration slow down to a minimum and your muscles relax. This is the most regenerative phase of sleep and is often called “slow wave sleep”.

It’s very hard to wake from deep sleep, and if you do, you may feel especially groggy.

About Philips’ SmartSleep

Philips’ new SmartSleep is the world’s first and only clinically-proven wearable solution for consumers to improve deep sleep quality for people who do not get enough sleep due to lifestyle, according to the company.

It’s a soft foam headband you are meant to wear to bed. Once you slip on the headset, 2 small built-in sensors connect to your forehead and behind your ears to monitor brain activity and using advanced algorithms accurately identifies your different sleep stages during the night.

Philips SmartSleep
Image: Philips

When detecting periods of deep sleep the device intervenes to boost it in real-time by playing customized quiet tones. An accompanying app logs sleep improvement over time and provides tips and advice on how to get the best possible night’s sleep.

“SmartSleep leverages the more than 2.8 billion nights of sleep data Philips collected the past decade” Philips said.

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The company said in a randomized double-blind trial, 70% of chronically sleep-deprived people who used SmartSleep for just 2 weeks reported feeling less tired during the day.

“We believe in intelligent technology that adapts to individuals and seamlessly integrates into their daily lives. Using our deep expertise in IoT, sensory technology, cloud solutions and Artificial Intelligence, we are introducing next-generation digital health solutions that bring together consumer and professional health, empowering people to take charge of their own health,” said Frans van Houten, CEO Royal Philips.

The Philips SmartSleep headband will be available this spring in the US, and it will cost $399.99.

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Cathy Russey
Cathy Russey () is Online Editor at WT | Wearable Technologies and specialized in writing about the latest medical wearables and enabling technologies on the market. Cathy can be contacted at info(at)