APRIL 2020

NeoRhythm is a scientifically proven brain stimulation device for home use to help people achieving their desired state of mind like sleep, boost energy, focus, meditate or manage the pain. It’s a gesture-controlled headband, here to improve your life.

Your brain has a unique ability to adjust its brainwaves to external stimuli (frequencies). This is why an upbeat song fills you with energy, a cheering crowd makes you perform better and NeoRhythm helps you sleep better, relieve stress and boost energy as well as manage pain and enhance mental capacity. It uses brainwave stimulation to influence cells and increase cell efficiency. NeoRhythm uses PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) which is medical grade, non-invasive technology and all the frequencies and intensity are scientifically proven. So far, there is over 3.000 people worldwide using NeoRhythm and they are having a great experience.

The fact that this is a (first) gesture-controlled headband also means it’s easy to use and handle, it fits all head-size and another benefit – it does not use WiFi and even disabled people can use it.

The start-up strongly believes in their power to change people´s lives for the better with breakthrough brain science and after a highly successful Indiegogo campaign they have joined the 12th IoT/WT Innovation World Cup® the in order to make their revolutionary innovation visible to the world.

Stay tuned for their journey and read more about NeoRhythm and the science behind in our interview. 

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Ramona Socher
Ramona Socher is Online Editor at WT | Wearable Technologies