Safe Spacer Wearable Helps Workers And Others Maintain Social Distance Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

Safe Spacer wearable
Image: PRNewswire

The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly emphasized the significance of maintaining social distance in order to tackle COVID-19 outbreak. Now, IK Multimedia, a Modena, Italy-based technology company has developed a wearable device that will do just that. Safe Spacer is a lightweight wearable device that helps workers and visitors to maintain safe social distancing, enabling workplaces and public spaces to re-open and operate with peace of mind.

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Using Ultra-wideband technology, Safe Spacer runs wirelessly on a rechargeable battery and precisely senses when other devices come within 2m/6ft, alerting wearers with a choice of visual, vibrating, or audio alarm.

Simple to use, Safe Spacer features a patent-pending algorithm that works immediately out of the box, with no set-up or special infrastructure needed and can be comfortably worn on a wristband, with a lanyard, or carried in a pocket. It offers ultra-precise measurement down to 10cm/4” – ten times more accurate than Bluetooth applications, says a press release.

Beyond factories, warehouses and offices, Safe Spacer can also be used by visitors to public spaces such as schools, hospitals, gyms, museums, hotels, casinos, and more. Engineered for fast, easy disinfection, it’s also waterproof. For minimal handling, Safe Spacer works wirelessly via NFC contactless technology or Bluetooth.

A student wearing mask
Image: PRNewswire

Each device features a unique ID tag and built-in memory to optionally associate with workers’ names for tracing any unintentional contact. To maintain high privacy standards, no data except the device’s ID and proximity is stored.

For advanced workplace use, an optional iOS/Android app allows human resources or safety departments to associate IDs to specific workers, log and export daily tracing without collecting sensitive data, configure the alarms, set custom distance/alert thresholds and more.

IK Multimedia is the leader in music creation hardware and software products for iPhone®, iPad® and Mac/PC for the last 25 years, with experience creating wireless enabled audio products and apps.

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“We created Safe Spacer to help our Italian factory workers maintain safe distance during re-opening. It’s easy to use, fast to deploy, private, and secure, so it can be used comfortably in any situation. We hope this solution helps other companies feel secure as they re-open, too,” says IK Multimedia CEO Enrico Iori.

Safe Spacer will be available in early Q3 directly from IK Multimedia for $/€99.99 (excluding taxes), with volume discounts available.

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Cathy Russey
Cathy Russey () is Online Editor at WT | Wearable Technologies and specialized in writing about the latest medical wearables and enabling technologies on the market. Cathy can be contacted at info(at)