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Cathy Russey

Cathy Russey
Cathy Russey () is Online Editor at WT | Wearable Technologies and specialized in writing about the latest medical wearables and enabling technologies on the market. Cathy can be contacted at info(at)wearable-technologies.com.
DowDuPont Soft skin adhesive

DowDuPont Launches New Soft Skin Adhesive for Wearable Medical Devices at MD&M West 2019

DowDuPont Specialty Products Division is introducing a new soft skin adhesive called DOW CORNING™ MG 7-1020, which is especially designed for today’s wearable medical...
Pocket Sky

Pocket Sky Combats Jet Lag and Winter Blues by Letting You Carry the Sunshine...

Jet lag is a major issue for aircrews and frequent business travelers. At the same time sunlight affects your mood, sleep, well-being, or metabolism....
Electronic nanomesh sensor

Japanese Scientists Develop Electronic Nanomesh Sensor to Monitor Heart Cells with Minimal Disruption

Studying heart muscle cells, or cardiomyocytes, can be very difficult because attaching rigid sensors to moving cells hinders the movement of those cells. A...
HER-2 detecting biosensor

Low-Cost Biosensor Can Detect HER-2 Breast Cancer Biomarker

Researchers at the Universities of Hartford and Connecticut and funded in part by NIBIB, created an innovative, inexpensive biosensor to detect HER-2, a breast...
Saliva glucose biosensor

Revolutionary Diabetes Management – Biosensor Accurately Measures Glucose in Saliva

The iQ Group Global, an Australian consortium of life science and financial services companies, developed a biosensor capable of accurately measuring glucose in a...
Cellnovo mobile app

Cellnovo Launches New Mobile App that Connects Directly to CGM Data via HealthKit

Cellnovo Group, a French MedTech company announced the launch of the Cellnovo Monitoring App, which enables direct access continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data via...