Wearable brain scanner

This Wearable Brain Scanner Can Record Your Brain Activity While You’re Moving

Recording activities of neurons in your brain is a difficult process. The best tool for snooping on neurons in real time is Magnetoencephalography (MEG)....

Trouble Sleeping? Interview with Kokoon’s CEO Tim Antos

Kokoon sleeping headphones was the winner of the IWC 2015/2016 for the Gaming and Lifestyle category. We interviewed their CEO Tim Antos to learn...
Muse meditation headband

Muse Releases Latest Version of its Brain Sensing Headband for Meditation

Interaxon, the company that developed brain sensing headband for meditation, has released the newest version of the device. Muse is a wearable brain sensing...

Wearables for Diabetics

Diabetes requires treatment and everyday strategies to control it. Suffering diabetics are faced with the task of continuous monitoring and managing the a number...
UMich Kirigami sensor patch

UMich Researchers Develop Japanese Kirigami Influenced Sensor Patch for Injury Recovery and Athlete Training

A researcher from the University of Michigan (UMich) has developed a wearable sensor patch to measure the range of motion of hard-to-assess areas of...

Top Wearable Innovators We Will Talk About In 2018

This year`s IOT/WT Innovation World Cup® 2017/18 was an extraordinary edition, 33 finalists have been selected out of 940 contestants and will become the next...