Healthcare Devices should be Beautiful and Easy to Incorporate into your Lifestyle

Like every autumn WT | Wearable Technologies dives deeper into the topic of healthcare. For the sixth consecutive year we are happy to present...

Wearables For Mental Health

Wearables that can assist people with mental illnesses are important for society. Not only can it assist researchers and people with these disabilities to...

How New Haptic Wearable Devices Move Our Life

“See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand That I might touch that cheek” – William...

Dr. Chowdhury speaks about Nemaura Medical’s Wearable Patch – WT | Asia 2015

WT | Wearable Technologies closes out the 2015 world tour with a one-day conference in Hong Kong. The WT | Asia conference is one...

Wearables Can Help You Get Pregnant

Most women want to have a baby at some point in their lives. Yet, understanding when the perfect time for your body to conceive...

Healing With Light

Latest medical studies have shown that light therapy has a positive effect on the human body. People living in the north, where there is...